Download the Humo Magazine app and read Humo as you are used to on the magazine.
Humo surprises every week, with the very best interviews, revealing files and the funniest humor. The most knowledgeable guides point out what moves and drags you on radio and TV and in books and films. The infamous TTT section has been setting the standard in music and performances for decades. And the sharpest pens guarantee the best columns. Humo traditionally stands for a unique mix of essential information and uncompromising cheerfulness: thanks to Humo you don't read any other nonsense.
- You choose how you want to read Humo: as if it is the paper magazine, or per article in an easy text and image version.
- You can easily zoom in on pages, articles and images
- Your digital magazine is always ready thanks to the automatic download
- Missed the magazine? No problem. You can always download the Humos of the past week
- You can always download Humo and read it offline later
Whoever subscribes to Humo, can read the magazine for free with this app. You can also purchase the magazine by number via the Google Play store. If you do not know how to log in or have forgotten your login details, you can contact our reader service: +32 2 454 29 12 (during office hours).
If you are not a subscriber, you can purchase the digital magazine through your Google Play account.